Let it go!

Trust… Trust is the foundation stone on which relationships always survive. Be it loving your parents, friends or life partners, without trust, the relationship is like body without bones. Lack of trust is the primary cause of all the social epidemics - war, politics, divorce etc..(accepted.. Greed is also a cause).
Placing our trust can be as easy as blink of the eye and can be as tough as breaking a diamond. Since the moment we are born, we start trusting people, place, things and what not. It is the basis that the world still stands upon. It is trust that tomorrow always comes, that gears to continue our lives without anxious anticipation of death.
But trust, as everything is, is not permanent. Trust can betray either when the object of trust is not in our hands to control or when trust is made to fail by the object of trust. Whatever the case, it hurts an awful lot when the object of trust fails us. Failure in materialistic trust might atmost cause ending our life and embrace death, but emotional trust might cause living death. It is never definite, at what point of time you start losing trust. It may be immediate, or gradually occurring.

I step into my place of dreams… the grass - fresh as dew, the water - clear as crystal, the sky - blue as ever, the rose - well…..as beautiful as a rose… The place is refreshing, scintillating and peaceful. Life seems rosy with all these. But rose, beautiful at sight, doesn’t give the same feeling while holding tight. Then it’s the case of which is harder - the fingers or the pricks. Both the pricks and fingers are affected. I am stupid enough to bleed my fingers and yet admire the flower and the flower is dumb enough to hold its pricks in tact, not knowing that I'm bleeding. I might never realise that it is meant to be admired from a distance. But, oh… I see ahead - jasmines, lavenders, tulips and many such pleasantries. Like a child equipped with many choices of toys, I reach to them with my other hand and find comfort in them. Yet, the other hand will always remember the touch of the rose…. The living death.

Young Blood

India, being one of the countries with most youth population, has around just 10% of youth population at the parliament. For so many years, it has been insisted that politics is not youth's cup of tea and that they are not mature enough to handle the affairs of the country from such a position. But the recent trend shows that the youth are not only capable handling politics, but can carry out tasks effectively too. Indeed this is the latest venture that youth have entered into, after proving in so many areas that, young people bring more creativity, energy, freshness and efficiency to them.

The 2009 general elections have brought to the spotlight, the contributions made and the contributions that can be made by them. I am, of course, speaking about Rahul Gandhi. He is widely touted as the mastermind of the Congress's surprise victory at UP. I am not writing this to promote his ideas, nor am I supporting him. But his contribution is undeniable as said. He is the general secretary of the Youth Congress and has been very instrumental in developing the Youth Congress. The general belief among the masses is that, the path of politics is generally full of guns and thorns and dirt, that there is no limit for corruption, partiality and such stuff. But he has been exemplary in implementing the rules of the YC.
And you can see the results in front of your eyes.

The main reason of the inability of the BJP to win the elections lies in the difference that exists between Congress and BJP. There are no young leaders who can dynamically adapt to the situations and hence stuck with stubborn age old ideas. Even within the ranks of BJP, Rahul's cousin serves as an example. He is one of the few young people to be elected from BJP to the Parliament. He set a record for the margin of votes by which a new comer (first timer for MP elections) has won, which stands at nearly 2,50,000, which is second only to his cousin. Of course it was indirectly helped by his alleged hate speech. But all the more, it has given much for the BJP to realize the lack of a visionary leader at BJP. Not withstanding the controversial Jinnah-Jaswant row, the party is at dire straits now. It better pick itself up and turn around, else there would be no strong opposition for the Congress to be questioned for its policy making and the people of India might not have a second option to turn towards other than Congress.


Politics for Beginners

You have two cows - You give one to your neighbour

You have two cows - The Government takes them both and gives you the milk

You have two cows - The Government takes both and sells you the milk

You have two cows - The Government takes both and shoots you

You have two cows - You sell one and buy a bull

Trade Unionism
You have two cows - They take the cows from you, shoot one, milk the other and throw the milk away

Don’t have anything to do with cows. They only bring you trouble